We have a vaping excise stamp license under the Excise Act, 2001, and we can now place stamps on e-cigarettes and vaping products.


A factory audit involves an assessment of a supplier’s quality system and compliance level.

An effective assessment of your future suppliers

The purpose of an audit is to help you verify your suppliers’ capacity and performance. Giolong International’s professional auditors visit every potential supplier. All factory audits are performed in accordance with the ISO/IEC17020:2012 international standards on quality management.

With a Giolong audit, you’ll know whether:

  • Le fabricant existe réellement et que l’usine est pleinement opérationnelle,
  • L’entreprise dispose des certifications nécessaires,
  • Les administrateurs et les opérateurs sont compétents et qu’ils respecteront les prix et les délais convenus,
  • Le fabricant a la capacité de produire le volume exigé,
  • Les meilleures pratiques en matière de traçabilité des matériaux, de l’origine au produit fini, seront respectées,
  • La production se fera selon les meilleures normes de sécurité et de qualité.

We also prepare in-depth audit reports that examine the selected factory or plant and provide the following information, in particular:

  • Date of registration 
  • Owners, the ties between them and the proportion of share ownership 
  • Key employees 
  • Sales, divisions and equity proposal 
  • Corporate ties, any current or past lawsuits
  • The company’s history

Why hire Giolong International to handle you factory audit?

Our factory audits are the best way for your business to get an accurate picture of a supplier in Asia before you do business with them.

  • Make sure you select the most reliable procurement source
  • Avoid scams by checking the supplier’s reliability
  • Safeguard your reputation and interests
  • Verify that your supplier complies with all applicable regulations (including labor rights)
  • Minimize risk as quickly as possible
  • Save time and money by preventing problems instead of dealing with them after the fact 
  • Keep an eye on your supplier’s quality management system

Request your factory audit now!

Reach out to us using the contact form below. Our team will be pleased to provide a sample report typical of your industry and needs.

Let's discuss your project